Wellspring Groups Starting Soon!

Join Rev. Jude Geiger, our Minister of Community Engagement, for a Wellspring group this fall, and deepen your understanding of and relationship to our Unitarian Universalist faith! Email Rev. Jude at jgeiger@ccny.org to register for free today.

Two groups are still open for registration as of October 26th! See details below:

Deep Questions: Reflecting on Our Eight Principles

Meeting on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, starting in November, from 11am - 12:30pm

Participants examine the 7 Unitarian Universalist principles and the 8th proposed principle through the lens of their own experience and beliefs to see what meaning those principles may have in their lives and communities.

Sacred Earth

Meeting Thursdays on Zoom, from 5:30pm-7pm

Dates for this fall/winter: November 9, Nov 30, Dec 14. Future dates TBD.

Background: Sacred Earth is the first program in “UU Wellspring Reads,” six–session programs that provide foundational experience that are dear to Unitarian Universalists’ hearts. Sacred Earth combines the wisdom of indigenous understandings of reciprocity with the sacred earth, and with spiritual practices that connect our spirit to nature.

The experiences, reflections and discussions strive to engage participants deeply in the web of life and your Unitarian Universalist faith. The work will be personal. As you and participants move through the reflections and practices, you may all find spiritual healing by creating a more intimate relationship with the natural world. The sessions, two books, readings and spiritual practices are the core of the Sacred Earth experience.

Some participants may be drawn to engage in Sacred Earth with the purpose of supporting or sustaining their own climate justice work. Activism may be an outcome of participation. Another goal of some participants may be to create a Unitarian Universalist learning community that builds collective spiritual power in the work of climate justice. The issues of climate change require us to bond together, and Sacred Earth may be the impetus to increase our engagement.

Sacred Earth delves into two extraordinary books to guide the group:

  • Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer

  • The Sustainable Soul: Reflections and Practices by Rebecca James Hecking. Note that excerpts for this book are provided and you do not need to purchase the book.

Braiding Sweetgrass provides deep understandings of how we are connected to the earth, and The Sustainable Soul provides spiritual practices and reflections that deepen that connection.


Announcing: Centering Circle with Dr. Janice Marie Johnson


Welcome to the New CCNY.org!